Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Racauan seusai demam


Forget Monday Blues, i got the whole week if not the entire months of singing Feelings just to maintain kewarasan agar tak ting-tong.. Haish boleh meracau kalo berlarutan..

It is common for me to hear my students complain, on how life is miserable and how they look forward to working life. Hah!! If only these people knew that working life is absolutely no fun (atleast utk yours truly la, ada la kot kan org yg in love dgn career masing2). Kira kalo student tu rasa dia abih parti dah main scrabble tak pun dam aji sampai pagi (nampak tak betapa husnuzon nye aku :D ), sok tu dia rasa nk buat kelas kat umah a.k.a membuta, confirm takde bantahan. Try pulak kalo lecturer yang buat, buleh sampai love letter dgn header warning sejurus kemudian..

Dikala aku srroot-srreet (selemoh bak kata para waghih), dgn ubat batuk cap ibu dan anak, teh hijau, cool fever dan tidak lupa tiger balm di sisi, aku gagahkan jugak gi opis.. DEADline bersusun2, kira aku dah pakai sistem tutup mata and point je nk siapkan yg mana dulu. Yang serious menimbulkan kemusykilan aku, keje bertingkat2 bertimbun2 dah ni, duit eh tak jugak bertingkat2 (aku ingat kna pasang lagu Waris la bg feel).

 Cukup2 la membuang masa main tenet, sound opismate aku, cukup sopan dan syahdu bunyik dia.. Aku rasa dah time pi tutup mata and point next keje yg perlu disiapkan. Bernas jugak kalo aku pi pasang lagu Pak Deris n buat Teh O manis lebih sikit, buat penguat semangat pulun keje petang2 ni.. I think i'm done. Cheerio!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Whut!! Re-blog??


I must've been extremely bored that I've decided to re-blog.. My last ramblings would be around 2 or 3 years back before I pursued my master degree.. Pheww.. talk about how time skydive!

Why re-blog?? Why art thou not in the current craze; twitjerr, oh-i-look-so-ohsem-that-i-must-upload-every minute-insta, i-swear-to-God-my-thingy-is-pinterest-ing and such, in fact, I can't really catch up to what the net-trends are heading for.. Hahaha blimey!! I'm ancient!

I just feel that blogging, is safer (shessshh.. must be mad, zillions are dying to read my blog :p) and somehow an anonymous way of spilling things, FB is too mainstream now, and the fact that it acts as a wailing wall for some, just bothers me to the MAX.

Kemon people! We (by we, i meant me) have life too, you don't see us (me) posting about everything every single minute..... Thus, blog is relevant to people "with life" :).

So, in between sipping a cup of hot Teh Oooo and key-ing in marks (in my majestic office), my random rambling for today is complete.. Cherio!